Sunday, February 12, 2017

Stay Healthy, Everyone!

     As someone who was recently home sick with the Flu, I urge you to try to stay healthy!  It is certainly not fun to be stuck in bed with uncomfortable symptoms.  This time of year, germs spread inside rooms with windows closed, especially classrooms.  It is important to take good care of your body in order to try to prevent yourself from getting sick. Remember to eat healthy, to wash your hands often, and not to share food or drinks with anyone.  Many doctors also recommend getting up-to-date vaccinations, including the Flu shot.  Good luck, everyone!


urge: (v) to strongly encourage or advise
uncomfortable: (adj) describing something that is causing slight pain or unease 
symptom(s): (n) a physical side effect that a person feels
especially: (adv) used to emphasize one specific thing
prevent: (v) to stop something before it happens
recommend: (v) to suggest or advise
vaccination(s): (n) a shot or treatment that is used to prevent illness

Vocabulary Exercise:
Please fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word from above.

1.  I love all types of candy, _____________ Skittles.
2.  All students must have proof of their _____________ before beginning kindergarten.
3.  Her mom _____________ her to always dress professionally for every job interview.
4.  My _______________ include a headache and a fever.
5.  I ________________ that you go see the new movie starring Jennifer Lopez.
6.  He felt ________________ going to his ex-girlfriend's birthday party.
7.  Make sure that you brush your teeth at least twice a day to ___________ cavities.

Grammar Point: Verbs in the Present Tense
Verbs are used to describe actions, and verbs in the present tense show an action that is happening now or is a scheduled occurence.  For example, in the passage above, some verbs in the present tense include "urge", "spread", "prevent", "eat", "wash", "share", and "recommend".

Here are a few more example of a verb in the present tense used in sentences:
Brendan walks his dog every night.
Connor goes to dinner with his friends on Fridays.
Lauren helps her cousins with their homework.

Grammar Activity:
Write three sentences of your own using verbs in the present tense!
1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________


  1. Great post for this time of the year! I hope you are feeling better from the flu!

  2. Great entry on staying healthy! I'm actually avoiding in getting sick again. Hopefully you are recovering now and doing well than before!

  3. Nice post! I like the vocabulary words you used because it gives students more variety of everyday life terms.

  4. Good advice! I like the choice of vocabulary and grammar activities.
